Adult Faith Information

Adult Faith Formation

Every disciple of the Lord Jesus shares in the mission to proclaim the Good News to all the world. To do their part, adult Catholics must be mature in faith and well equipped to share the Gospel, promoting it in every family circle, in every church gathering, in every place of work, and in every public forum. They must be women and men of prayer whose faith is alive and vital, grounded in a deep commitment to the person and message of Jesus.

The Church’s pastoral ministry exists to sustain the work of the Gospel. One way it does this is by nourishing and strengthening lay men and women in their calling and identity as people of faith, as contributors to the life and work of the Church, and as disciples whose mission is to the world. To grow in discipleship throughout life, all believers need and are called to build vibrant parish communities of faith and service.

Such communities cannot exist without a strong, complete, and systematic catechesis for all its members.  Holy Spirit Parish offers a variety of adult education opportunities designed to strengthen: knowledge of the faith (including studies of Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church), liturgical life, moral formation, prayer, communal life, and missionary spirit.

Adult faith formation programs are advertised in the parish bulletin.  If you are interested in more information, please contact our Parish Director of Religious Education, Mr. Mark Butler, at 614-861-1521 ext. 12 or

Today's Date

Monday, July 15

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