Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Rev. Fr. Veevin Richard Pitchaisavary, SAC, Pastor

Rev. Mr. George Zimmermann, Retired Deacon

Weekly Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:00 pm

Sunday 9:00 am and 11:00 am

Daily Mass Times:  9:00 am on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

8:15 am on Wednesday in the Church (when school is in session)

Every Saturday – 3:00 pm – 3:45 pm

1st Friday of the month in the main church – 9:30 am

Holy Day Masses
8:15am (with school students)
7:00 pm
Consult bulletin for other times.

Visitors: Do you want to join Holy Spirit Parish? Perhaps you came to Holy Spirit Parish this season as a homecoming after several years of absence or you have returned to the Faith which has been absent from your life. If you want to join Holy Spirit Parish, there are registration forms in the Welcoming Center; or, call the Parish Office and a form will be sent to you (614-861-1521). Thank you for attending Mass at Holy Spirit!


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